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Make it happen now!


Are you interested in the mission training?

We love to hear from you!

Send us an email to the folowing adress:
Upon receiving your email you will get a confirmation from us and an invitation for an initial meeting.

Useful to know:

Pre-education is not required for this training. However, there are a number of other requirements to participate in the Mission Training:

•  A recommendation from your local pastor

• The minimum age is 18 years or older

• You have to be a born-again Christian

• You must believe that God is The Father, Jesus The Messiah and The Holy Spirit

• You believe in the gospel spreading and working in God's Kingdom through the local church

• You must have a home front team in your own country that supports you during mission training. They function as a spiritual support for you as a missionary, provide financial support and arrange practical matters when you are abroad.

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